
Version 1.5.0

The binaries can be downloaded for Linux, MacOS and Windows. You may also download the source code from Github repository and then compile it yourself. The simplest way to compile this package is:

  1. Go to the directory containing the package’s source code (‘source’).

    $ cd trimal/source
  2. Compile the package.

    $ make
  3. Optionally, run trimAl/readAl with the examples into the ‘dataset’ directory to check the correct installation. It should return the original MSA.

    $ cd ..
    $ source/trimal -in dataset/example.004.AA.fasta

By default, ‘make’ compiles the source code of trimAl and readAl in the current directory. After that, you can either add to PATH the current directory or move these files to ‘/usr/local/bin’ or to ‘/usr/bin’ using root privileges.